Next Starts:
Curious about faith?
Join a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. At each Alpha session, you’ll be hosted in a small group and watch an episode on a different question of faith - then you have a chance to share your thoughts and hear what others think. You can say anything you like, or nothing at all.
Everyone’s welcome. You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs. It’s free and there’s no pressure to come back.
Who do I speak to?:
Jason Gardner
Talking Jesus
Next Starts:
Sunday 26th February | 7pm | For 6 weeks
You may believe that Jesus is the best news but have you ever felt like you don’t even know how to start talking about it?
Talking Jesus is a purpose built course designed to equip you to have conversations about life and faith with anyone, anywhere including on the street! It’ll be a gentle nudge out of your comfort zone but in the safety of leaders who have been talking Jesus for years!
Who do I speak to?:
Jason Gardner
Wellbeing Journey
Next Starts:
Wednesday 26th February | 1pm | For 7 weeks
The Wellbeing Journey is a new series to help churches and communities address key challenges in these times. Local churches are in a unique place to lead communities on this holistic journey to improved physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.
Find out more: https://wellbeingjourney.org/about/
Who do I speak to?:
Wendy Foot
Next Starts:
Sunday 26th February | 7pm | For 6 weeks
The bible was written for you but not to you. It can be easy to presume that we are the main audience of the bible story and so we can look at it through our cultural lens. But what if the bible isn’t meant to be read through our eyes? On this course, we explore what the bible really meant to the people of the time, that we maybe aren’t the audience in mind and what that does mean for us today.
Who do I speak to?:
Jason Gardner
Starting in Faith
Next Starts:
Sunday 9th March | 1pm | For 3 weeks
If you are new to faith and Church, it can be a bit intimidating and daunting. Who really is Jesus? How do I start reading the bible? What is prayer? What do I need to do now?
This course is the perfect place to start! For 5 weeks, right after Church on a Sunday, with a free lunch, you can begin your journey of faith with confidence and support every step of the way.
Who do I speak to?:
Jason Gardner